Do you really want… THE TRUTH?


We all say, yes, please… tell me the truth!! But… are we really prepared to hear—truth?
Meaning are you prepared to hear someone tell you the truth and are you truly ready to ‘accept’ what you hear? Or are your nearly paralyzed in fear?

Interestingly enough, in my practice, I run into this phenomena frequently. Please tell me what you see, and tell me the truth, please!!  Or perhaps it goes something like this… what I see, intuitively—or perhaps the energy patterns are about moving through a time of what appears to be a struggling time ahead and the right preparation is required—-and I am sure that what I am seeing—- is not necessarily what I believe my client wants to hear—-and I will predicate with… “Are you calling me because you want me to be honest with you regarding what I see’?

99% of the time, I get “yes, I want the truth please, otherwise I would not be calling you…

..yet, 90% of the time, the same person who told me they wanted to hear the truth, also wants to argue with me, about what I am seeing… or tell me how surprised they are to hear such, because I do not see it the same way they do or the same way another advisor sees things. First of all, it’s important that you understand that our relationship, yours and mine is unique. And what I see for you, and what someone else sees for you and/or what you see for yourself, is likely very different. No two people are the same, therefore no two relationships are the same—–and ours once we experience our initial introduction is in fact, a ‘relationship’. Your energy and my energy together creates something completely different and unique than you and someone else. And the same is applicable to me, my energy with you is completely different and unique than it is with someone else.

I have been in my practice full time since 1992, and part-time since 1980. In my practice, I am not about entertainment—for the sake of entertaining my clients, or myself. Yes, I love to have fun, and we can have a lot of fun together looking into your natal and progressed chart as well as intuitively discussing your relationship to work, family, friends—-and even looking into your relationship with yourself, or to food, money, stress, anger, etc., and of course, it’s always interesting and truly a learning experience to peer into all your romantic relationships. After all we are truly all seeking ‘Love’. It’s the human condition.

But… IF you want frivolous entertainment and fairytales, then make popcorn and tune into ShowTime!! (wink)

Fortunately, there is a lot of healthy ‘real’ entertaining information that certainly goes along with getting together and talking about life on a daily basis. I am sure you’ll agree, that everything in life —-is just a little bit funny. :)) Especially when we consider human nature and how we as humans respond and react to prevailing energies in our daily, weekly and monthly cycle of life.

It is most certainly a lot of fun together looking at your planetary energy patterns, and allowing my intuitive skills to create your story around those patterned planetary puzzle pieces and links called ‘aspects’ and ‘transits’ —-that are actually manifesting energy every moment of every day in all areas of our lives. Focusing in on those particular areas of primary interest to you, is truly my blessing, gift and passion.

Calling me is going to reveal ‘truth’ in the areas you desire to talk about and discuss—allowing you to work toward getting more of what you want, rather than less. Therefore, consider the truth to be a blessing, as it is only with the truth that a real and viable solution is possible.

For most of us want peace, happiness, security, joy and most of all contentment on a continuum —-and in that we must be prepared to face and deal with things that are going on in our lives that disallow us to have what we truly want.

The blocks in your life that are currently creating struggles or burdens that you would prefer to avoid dealing with—-are those areas in your life that you truly must deal with effectively in order to experience a happier and healthier life and life style.

Fortunately, these areas will be revealed and clear to me, enabling you— once exposed, accepted, discussed, and effectively remedied —-will speak truth—by allowing you to enjoy something better, healthier, happier and joyful in your life and in whatever area of life most troubling for you right now.

Truth? I say, nothing but ‘THE TRUTH’… will set you free!!

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Astro Daija